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What Are Religious Views on "Giving up" Your Child for Adoption in Kansas?

You Can Always Choose Adoption

Adoption is always a brave, selfless and loving decision, whether you are:

  • Christian
  • Muslim
  • Jewish
  • Buddhist
  • Hindu
  • Non-religious
  • Or something else entirely

No matter what religion you follow, you can always choose adoption. Going through an unplanned pregnancy can be an overwhelming situation, but you can rest assured that adoption is an option for people of all faiths. American Adoptions of Kansas can also help you find the right adoptive family, including a family that shares your religious tradition.

We work with many prospective birth mothers who are worried that placing their child for adoption would conflict with their religion. You can rest assured that religious views on “giving up” your child for adoption in Kansas don’t interfere with your adoption decision. Adoption is always available to you, and it’s a beautiful journey that places your child’s needs before your own. It’s not easy, but it is rewarding and heroic.

That’s why we have put together this detailed guide on religious views used in the adoption process. If you have any more questions as you’re reading along, then please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-ADOPTION. You’ll speak with one of our trusted adoption professionals, and we would love to help you at any time! You can also get more adoption information now.

In the meantime, continue reading to learn more about religion in unplanned pregnancy in Kansas.

Is It Wrong to “Give My Baby up” for Adoption If I’m a Christian in Kansas?

No, it is not wrong to choose adoption, whether you are a Christian or not. Placing your baby for adoption is a selfless act made out of profound love for your child. You simply want to give them the best life possible, and that is far from sinful behavior. If you were wondering, “Is putting a child up for adoption a sin,” then the answer is no.

When it comes to a Christian view of placing a baby for adoption in Kansas, you can consider several benefits of adoption for both you and your child:

  • Helping a family realize their dreams of parenthood
  • Ensuring that your baby grows up in a loving, stable home
  • Access to free, 24/7 counseling whenever you need it
  • Developing a lifelong bond with your child and their family through open adoption
  • And so much more

In other words, you can choose adoption as a Christian.                                                                                                      

In Islam, Can I “Give a Child up” for Adoption in Kansas?

Yes, you can. If you’re Muslim and considering adoption, then you should know that you can pursue this path.

In some more traditional interpretations of Muslim doctrine, biological relatives should be the first in line to care for the child when the biological parents cannot. In this view, when a Muslim family adopts a child, the adoptive family doesn’t outright replace the birth parents. When the child is younger than two, they may become mahram (or unmarriageable in the future) to the adoptive family. Within a more traditional culture, a Muslim adoptee generally still has inheritance rights from their birth parents, too.

But, as a Muslim prospective birth mother, you can also follow more modernized practices while still being faithful to your religion. When “giving your child up” for adoption in Islam, you can choose adoption. Ultimately, this decision is up to you, so be sure to mull over your unplanned pregnancy options and choose what is best for you and your child. If adoption is right for you, then call-1-800-ADOPTION, and we can help you create your adoption plan today.

In Judaism, Is It True That “Giving a Baby up” for Adoption Is a Mitzvah?

In Judaism, mitzvah means “commandment,” but it is more colloquially known as a good deed or charitable act. As a result, many Jewish prospective birth mothers wonder, “Is it true that ‘giving a baby up’ for adoption is a mitzvah?” In the end, this choice entirely depends on what is best for you and your child.

As you consider whether adoption is the right path for your situation, you can ask yourself questions such as:

  • What type of life can I offer my child right now?
  • Is my current living situation suitable for raising a child?
  • Am I able to financially provide for a baby?

You can always choose adoption in Judaism, so this decision is up to you. If you feel unsure of what your best plan of action is, then talk to a trusted rabbi, family member or friend about your thought process. American Adoptions is always a phone call away, too, at 1-800-ADOPTION.

Can a Buddhist Choose Adoption in Kansas?

If you are a Buddhist who wants to pursue adoption in Kansas, then you can absolutely make this choice. Adoption is an option for everyone, regardless of their religion. But, if you feel uncertain if this is the right decision for you as a Buddhist, then be sure to speak with someone you respect in your religious community. No two adoptions are the same, and that’s part of what makes it such a beautiful journey. If you feel ready to start your adoption today, then reach out to us at any time.

Can I Choose Adoption if I Am Hindu?

As a Hindu prospective birth mother, you can rest assured knowing that you can choose adoption for your baby. When you work with American Adoptions of Kansas, we can even help you find a Hindu adoptive family if that’s what you would prefer. Just as we would suggest for other religions, we also recommend talking to religious leaders in your community who can teach you about adoption in Hinduism.

How Does Adoption for a Non-Religious Person or Atheist Work?

Though many people pursuing adoption have strong religious beliefs, this doesn’t mean that everyone does. For instance, you could be an atheist or agnostic person considering adoption, and that is completely OK. The adoption process is the same for you as it would be for a religious person. American Adoptions of Kansas can also tailor your adoption journey to fit your needs.


We understand if this can be a lot of information to take in at once. If you have any more questions about religious views on “giving your child up” for adoption in Kansas, then call us at 1-800-ADOPTION. We would love to hear from you! You can also get free information now.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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