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How Placing Children for Adoption Together Actually Works [in Kansas]

What You Need to Know About Sibling Groups

Parents consider adoption for many reasons.


  • You could have financial presures
  • You might have career aspirations that parenting would make impossible
  • You may have realized that you’re not able to parent at this point in your life.


No matter how overwhelmed you may feel right now, you are not alone.


American Adoptions of Kansas is here to help. We are here to answer all of your questions. Life can feel difficult right now, and you may be thinking about placing your children for adoption. That is completely okay. It is never too early or too late to choose adoption. But, how does placing children for adoption together in Kansas work, exactly?


When you work with an adoption agency like American Adoptions of Kansas, we prioritize placing siblings together with the same family whenever possible. We will also go into greater detail in this guide on how to place multiple children for adoption in Kansas.


The bottom line: You can do what is best for your children and yourself with our help.


If you have any questions as you’re reading, then give us a call at 1-800-ADOPTION to speak with one of our trusted adoption professionals. We’d be happy to help you at any time. Also, you can get free adoption information now.

How to Tell if Adoption is the Best Option

Adoption is always an option, but how do you know if it’s right for you and your children? As you consider placing children for adoption in Kansas, you need to make sure that this is truly the best path. Temporary emotions or difficulties could make your situation feel impossible, but things could get better.


But, that’s not always the case. Sometimes, adoption is the best path forward. It’s not easy, but it is brave, loving and selfless. You’re putting your children’s needs before your own, and you’re giving them a life of love and opportunity.


Candice, a birth mother who worked with American Adoptions, knew that adoption was the right option for her, especially when she met her child’s adoptive family.


“Jeff and Amanda saved my baby’s life,” she said. “With having three kids already, I know what I needed to do. They deserve a beautiful family, and I am so happy they trusted me to give them that.”


Putting kids up for adoption in Kansas can be beautiful because you’re giving your children the best life possible. You’ll also be helping a family realize their dreams of parenthood, and you can develop a lifelong bond with them. On top of this, you will be able to pursue your goals and aspirations, and you can rest easy knowing that your children are in a safe, loving home.

The Importance of Keeping Sibling Groups Together

When you’re “giving up” children for adoption in Kansas, you are not giving up at all. This choice comes from a place of profound love. Because we know that you want only what is best for your children, here are a few things you should be aware of:

  • When you choose adoption, you aren’t “giving up.” There’s a reason that we said you’re “giving up” kids for adoption in quotes. It’s one of the most common phrases people use when they talk about adoption. Although their hearts may be in the right place, this phrase completely misses the point. You’re not “giving up;” you’re giving your children a chance at the best life possible for them.
  • It is important for your children to stay together whenever possible. You may have been wondering how you can ensure that your children find the same adoptive family, and American Adoptions of Kansas prioritizes keeping them together at all times. If this isn’t possible, though, then it’s important that your children can maintain contact and have a relationship.
  • There are some harmful myths about placing children for adoption together. For instance, one myth is that separating siblings will help prevent rivalry between them. Another is that it’s good to separate older and younger siblings. These are false. Plenty of research shows that keeping siblings together helps them process their adoption and transition.

How We Can Help

If you’re wondering how to “give children up” for adoption, then American Adoptions of Kansas may be able to help. Our agency and most other adoption agencies specialize in private infant adoption, so it can be more difficult to place older children for adoption. But, we can provide services for children up to 4 years old, depending on the circumstances.

When you work with American Adoptions of Kansas to place multiple children for adoption, we will do everything possible to keep them together. We understand the importance of sibling groups, and we are uniquely equipped to help you find hopeful adoptive families that would be happy to adopt siblings because we work with more families than most other agencies.

If you are thinking about placing multiple children for adoption in Kansas under the age of 4, then American Adoptions of Kansas can help. Here are some services you’ll experience:

  • Help with creating your adoption plan so that you feel prepared and in charge of the process
  • A thorough adoption screening process, which we have continually refined over 30 years, so you have only the best families to choose from
  • A staff that comprises birth parents, adoptive parents and adoptees, so you’ll have personal supprt from people who truly get it
  • Free, 24/7 counseling to help you navigate any complicated emotions
  • And so much more

Just as it would be if you were placing one child, you are in full control of your adoption journey from the beginning to the end. Adoption isn’t simple, but our experienced, trusted team at American Adoptions of Kansas is here to help you whenever you need us.

“I was lucky enough to find American Adoptions, who immediately took some of that weight away by walking me through the steps and supporting whatever decision I made,” Brittnee, a birth mother, said. “They sent me several wonderful profiles of hopeful parents, and I just knew right off when I found the right one. They were the perfect family, the type of family I had pictured for myself as I looked forward to my own future.”


If you want to learn more about placing children for adoption together in Kansas, then give us a call at 1-800-ADOPTION. We’d be happy to help in whatever way we can. You can also get more free information now.


Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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