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Foster Children for Adoption in Kansas

If you’d like to learn more about foster children for adoption in Kansas, you aren’t alone. There are more than 7,000 Kansas children in foster care, which means that there are many kids who need a safe and loving place to call home.

While the primary goal of foster care is to reunite children with their birth parents, many children are still adopted through the Kansas foster care system.

If you’d like to learn more about foster kids up for adoption in Kansas, keep reading to find out if foster care adoption is right for you.

You can also give American Adoptions a call at 1-800-ADOPTION to talk about the possibility of starting the private domestic adoption process for your family.

Children in Foster Care: Who Are They?

One of the most common questions that potential adoptive families have is, “Who are the foster kids for adoption in Kansas?”

In general, when you’re considering foster care children for adoptions in Kansas vs. adoption through a private domestic adoption agency, you’ll need to remember that most of the time, kids in foster care are:

  • Older children
  • Groups of siblings
  • Children who may have experienced trauma

The children in foster care all have very different experiences and life stories, but they share one common trauma: they were taken from their parents unexpectedly.

One of the biggest differences between foster children up for adoption in Kansas and private domestic adoption is that foster children grew up expecting to stay with their birth parents.

When a birth mother makes the loving decision to place a child for adoption as an infant, however, that child will naturally bond with their adoptive parents. This helps to minimize the trauma that the child experiences.

If you’d like to know more about children in foster care available for adoption in Kansas, you can contact one of the many Kansas foster care agencies for guidance on how to become a foster parent.

Before you can adopt a child through foster care, you’ll need to complete your home study, as well as parenting classes provided by your agency.

A few common foster care agencies in Kansas include:

Preparing for Adoption: What Hopeful Adoptive Families Need to Know

While there are over 7,000 foster children in Kansas, it’s important to remember that not every foster child will be adopted. While you feel torn thinking about foster kids waiting for adoption in Kansas, the reality is that many of these children will be able to return home to their parents, as that is the ultimate goal of foster care.

For many hopeful adoptive parents, the question of whether to work with foster kids available for adoption in Kansas or to choose private domestic adoption can be tricky.

There are some benefits to choosing private domestic adoption versus foster care.

Here’s what you need to know.


The timeline for adoption is much more specific when you pursue private domestic adoption. When you work with American Adoptions, for example, we can help match you with a birth parent, even if she lives in another state. This can help minimize your wait times. Right now, adoptive families who work with us can expect a wait time of an average of 12 months.


When you pursue private domestic adoption, you’ll generally be adopting an infant or newborn. In some cases, you may be adopting a child who is up to two years old.

The age range for children in private domestic adoption situations is much lower than youth in foster care.

This is because, with private domestic adoption, the birth mother has made the loving choice to place their child for adoption. When you’re working with foster kids for adoption in Kansas, you may find that most of them were placed in foster care unexpectedly. Because of this, children in foster care can range in age from newborns to teenagers.


If you’ve always dreamed of adopting a child and you have a very specific idea of what that looks like, you may want to consider private domestic adoption.

When you start the domestic adoption process, you’ll complete something called an APQ. This lets your social worker know what you’re looking for in a child. For example, maybe you’d like to adopt a little boy. Perhaps you’d like him to have the same heritage as you. Maybe you already have a little boy, and you’d like to adopt a girl instead. With private domestic adoption, you can make these decisions and have full control over your family-building situation.

Getting Started

When you’re ready to get started with the adoption process, it’s time to call American Adoptions.

Our team of experienced adoption specialists would love the opportunity to work with you to help you build your family. We’ll be with you every step of the way so that you never have to feel alone during this journey. Our team includes birth parents, adoptive parents and even adoptees, so we’re prepared to answer any questions you may have.

Call 1-800-ADOPTION now to get the process started.

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